Friday, 16 September 2016

The Wedding Hashtags

The Wedding Hashtags
Despite their seemingly super-human #‎powers for #‎capturing hundreds of#‎special #‎moments in just a few #‎hours, even the most #‎seasoned#‎wedding #‎photographer can’t be at every #‎table, on the #‎dance floor AND snapping the happy #‎couple all at once. That’s why creating a#‎weddinghashtag can #‎encourage #‎guests to post their own candid#‎images on #‎socialmedia for #‎brides to peruse when the wedding is all said and done. Stumped for ideas? Here’s a couple to get you started with :-
#‎Mike and #Mojisola are #gettingmarried ( #MandMmarriage or #m2marriage ), or #Sandra and #emeka are set to be #wed ( #sandraandemekaWed, #Wale and #Laura could be in #love ( #walelovesLaura ), #adewale and #ifeoluwa might be tying #theknot ( #adeife) or #bayo and #nifemi #bayonifemi) 
#adeola #olufemi (#olafemi )
Try to create the same letter or sound at the beginning of closely connected words and you’ve got yourself a catchy #weddinghashtag !
#Incorporate your #names into phrases and #romantic idioms for a #memorable #hashtag: #HappilyEver….. #ayobukolahappilyever #LoveAtFirstsight……
#loveMade….. #youandIdownTheIsle…. Chucksandstacydowntheisle 
Still stuck? Ask friends and family to put their thinking cap on too – you might be surprised by their linguistic creativity!
Rhyme it out
If either of your first or #surnames rhyme with #love , #married,
#marry, #wed , #aisle, #hitched, #wedding,
#union, #knot, #tie, #do, #yes or #forever, you’re in luck.
#olawale #maduka ----- #olamadukawedding
Borrow from movies
Insert name [here]: #[ ronke]InWonderland, #MrAndMrs[Adewole]
If you and your fiancé have a favourite movie, explore ways to incorporate it into your wedding day celebrations with a thematic nollywood hashtag.
Like (#your names) in (#movietitle).
Keep it simple
If your names are excessively long, can’t be #rhymed with any word remotely related to #love and nuptials, or you simply like to keep things simple, opt for an #uncomplicated #hashtag, like #[Surname]PartyOf2…. Unless of course you’re #pregnant, in which case it becomes an uber-#cute PartyOf3.
Express your relief
If your #wedding feels like it’s been light years in the making, you’ve left your nuptials until later in life, or your #search for ‘the one’ is finally over after a long and bumpy ride, share your relief (tongue in cheek), with a hashtag like #FinallyHitched, #funkefinallyhooked, #TheHuntIsOver.
Be original
When you think you’ve found your #perfecthashtag, conduct a quick search on #social #media to see if it’s already in use. If it is, you have the option of adding your #weddingdate to the end to make sure your pics don’t get mixed up in the #Twittersphere with a #marketing #campaign – or worse – someone else’s #wedding. If you have common #names, like #emeka and #ola, Bukky and femi it’s best to throw a date on the end, just to be sure. #lolawedemeka2016
Still can’t decide?
If you can’t find a #weddinghashtag fit for the #occasion, #contact #momentweddingsandevents on #08022329915, we offer real-time hashtag display to offer #weddingsguests a fun and #interactive way to #engage with your #hashtag, as well as giving the #guests a #downloadable archive of #photos at the end of the #day to take #home.

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