Friday, 16 September 2016

A Dream Wedding On A Low Budget

A Dream Wedding On A Low Budget

Marriage is one of life’s most exciting milestones, but a wedding can make even the most enthusiastic bride anxious. Our last article was titled WEDDING IS NOT EXPENSIVE, it a must read for every bride and groom. in this presence article we will breaks down the basics to planning a dream wedding on a reasonable budget.
You could easily spend tens of thousands of naira on a wedding, but that doesn’t mean you must. Be resourceful and prioritize. No matter your budget, you can have at least some of the fabulous ideas that you dream of.
Set your limits:-
Calculate how much you can afford to spend on your wedding. If your parents are planning to contribute financially, now is the time to talk about it, even if you feel awkward bringing it up. Explain that you’re trying to set and stick to a budget, and you wonder what, if anything, they’d like to contribute. If the answer is NO, be gracious and don’t feel discouraged. The important thing is that you know a firm number before you start planning.
Do some research:-
Blindly setting a budget for something you’ve never purchased doesn’t make sense. So before you assign numbers to what you’ll spend on linens and uplighting , research them. Call three vendors in each category, and ask the going rate for their services and what they’ll include.
Add it up. Estimate how much you expect to spend on each item of your wish list, and know the subtotal.
Start saving:-
Need to save more money than you ever have before? Deposit part of each paycheck into a savings account in a New bank account without ATM card, so that it won't be easy to withdraw from it, What you can’t see, you won’t spend. Use the account to pay for all of your wedding-related expenses. After the wedding, you can close it... or change its purpose to your next big goal!
unexpected expenses:-
Is the total less than the limit you set? Lucky you!
Is it more? Try cutting some lower-priority line items, reducing the guest list, or
swapping in some alternatives until the amount you plan to spend is less than the amount you can afford.
Stick to the plan:- Refer to your budget as you start hiring vendors, buying supplies, and signing contracts. You can adjust it, but remember to keep it balanced. If you’re going to spend more on the food you should spend less on the photograph or anything.

Be careful of too-good deals:-
The higher the demand for someone’s photography, wedding planning, or pie pops, the more they can charge. It’s simple supply and demand, and that’s fair — So before you hire a bottom-naira vendor, figure out why their prices are so low. They may have less experience.
Avoid bad debts:-
Don’t go into debt for your wedding, especially if you’re only racking it up because the day has become a production that you presume everyone expects. You can spend an entire year’s salary and still disappoint someone. As you set sail for your honeymoon, the day should be a memory, and so should its costs.
Make a wish list:-
Prioritize which details are most important to you. (If you’re high-end food lovers, settling for delivery pizza may not appeal to you.) You don’t want to have written cheque for ancillary details, only to realize that the locally sourced, upscale menu items you wanted are unaffordable with the naira that remain.

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